Atabook is a free online guestbook, created in 2024 in response to death of 123guestbook. It is a simple, easy to use guestbook that allows you to create a guestbook for your website. You can customize the look and feel of your guestbook, and you can moderate entries.
- User-friendly interface to edit layout of your guestbook (colors/fonts/background/etc)
- Review messages before they are added to guestbook (optional)
- You can add your own questions to your guestbook (and can also mark them as required)
- Ability to reply to messages
- Your own picture/logo/photo in the header of the guestbook
- Block visitors by IP (and IP ranges)
- Automatically send an email on new messages (optional)
- Nice URLs (yourname.atabook.org)
- Smileys, UBB codes (optional)
- Filter bad words with your own word list and optionally block messages
- Block messages made from VPN or proxy
- Ability to edit and delete messages